Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals! 1. Pompeii, Italy There are many scary stories in history, but the story of Pompeii is one that we just can’t get over. This is the city that was built in the fertile valley near a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius. When it erupted, it caught people by surprise and buried the city in soot and ash and left it covered and perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. Now much of it has been uncovered and it is a sad historical marvel and many people were frozen in time forever. 2. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sticking with Africa, let's head to Zimbabwe, which holds one of the biggest mysteries of the continent. It's called ... Great Zimbabwe. Yeah, does not really sound mysterious, does it? But don't let that fool you, there's more to this than you might think. 3. Thonis, Egypt If you're bi...
In Cambodia, there is an ancient temple known as 'Preah Vihear'. It uses IMPOSSIBLE STONE TECHNOLOGY. Do you see any JOINTS in corners? What about these steps? Do you see any JOINTS? ..between the stone steps? Archeologists say these are sandstone blocks. But the truth is NEVER SIMPLE.
Hey guys, today we are at the Preach Vihear temple in Cambodia And I found something very interesting This temple was built 12th century, right?
So this is about like 900 years old and you can see these big blocks of sandstone But apparently this is impossible technology, right because you see these huge blocks of Stone. But look here. Look at the corner pieces. These are for example two pieces of stone, but they’re not Look at the right angle. This is just one piece of stone or it may not even be a stone. It may be like a geopolymer technology because look there’s nothing in between no connection. Look here and then there. I may not be able to touch it. That a huge spider, but look at the corners.
Do you see any lines at all in the corners?
No, this is one stone Apparently what kind of technology is this? How did they make these corners?
Completely using single stone blocks this needs extraordinary engineering now. Let’s go the other side to see what’s going on. Look at this piece again, no connection on the corners, but look here. This was not even just like one piece goes all the way here. And it bends, this stone is bending at an angle Its curving and then comes here goes in a 45 degree angle Goes all the way outside and I may have to go outside to show you where this rock ends Because this may not even be a rock.
This is extraordinary technology. How did they build this?
900 years ago in Cambodia!
Let me show you the walls here. These huge blocks of walls look at look at this block for example. Look at this block. This is going at the 90 degree, this is going at the 90 degree and all these blocks were created like a jigsaw puzzle. So that none of them would be easy to pull out. So this is again, look at here, going all the way. Here look at this piece. There is a small bump here to make this fit now None of the stones or maybe some of the stones are rectangular or trapezoid, right but none of these two-dimensional faces. Have four corners. They have more than four corners. This is extraordinary technology. Each one must weigh I. Don’t know how many thousands of pounds and they were able to build this huge. Jigsaw puzzle 900 years ago now how did they make this and traditionally archaeologists and historians will tell well they did it out of hard work. They were using chisels and hammers and they were calculating using threads. Seems impossible to me to make these using chisels and hammers. But I have more evidence. Let’s go here. Do you think you can make these with chisels and hammers. Do you think you can make these now look at them? They’re so dilapidated right so they’re completely almost on the brink of destruction because of 900 years and this area Preach Vihear temple in Cambodia is in the Cambodia Thailand border war torn right continuous bombing because of various. You know political situations this Hindu temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva has these columns. Its
impossible to make them with chisels and hammers Engineers agree with what I say. These can be created only. Using lathe technology. They have to have a rotating mechanism a rotary mechanism to create this type of. You know turns now, let me show you more. Look at this column, right? It’s a little bit intact and it has a little bit more light. So look at this column. Look at look at these pieces right see these were created using lathe technology this proves that ancient builders were using.
Machining technology. So how did they manage to have such an extraordinary?
Rocketing technology about 900 years ago, right? So let’s take a look at this rock, for example. It must be weighing more than a ton and this is one solid piece of rock. Sitting in pre liver now pre over here Temple is situated on top of a mountain which is more than 800 meters high from the ground level and according to locals all these rocks. We’re not cut from the mountain top. They were cut from the ground and then transported here. So, how are they able to move?
Massive rocks like this 800 meters up to the top of the mountain and here’s where mythology comes into place because if you look at. That carving over there on top you can see Lord, Krishna lifting up a mountain with one hand because according to quote/unquote mythology ancient builders were capable of lifting. Massive weights they were able to lift. Massive rocks like this and when you look at this carving and then this stone. There’s something very interesting
so now look at this carving, which shows how. Lord Krishna is able to lift up an entire mountain and look at this doorway. It’s very interesting to see this doorway because were not able to tell how many pieces are involved in. Making this doorway, of course, it’s made entirely out of stone now look here we can tell this is one piece and what about this?
This is a separate column. No This is one piece. See there is no joint here. This is all one piece of rock This seems complex, but let’s go on the other side and we may be able to get a better idea on The other side we get a better idea how many pieces were involved in making this massive doorway,
Only for look at here. This is one piece and look at this. This is one piece and then look at this. This is one piece and then on the top, there’s another piece. Make a massive doorway with just four pieces of rock this requires extraordinary precision and look !
What do you think these cuts are there for look at look on the other side as well?
What do you think those are doing and look carefully?
What do you think? These are?
For the door once upon a time. There was a door here and not just a door a door made of one. Solid rock. Imagine how big that rock must have been.
So how were they able to do all these kind of extraordinary feats?
Did it do it with just?
Let’s look at this area right, and it’s very interesting to see if we look at how. These are cut and placed now look inside. If you look inside it appears as though they’ve cut all the solid chunk. Just like cutting butter look at the inside of. These separated stones these stone blocks have separated because of an earthquake and look inside and you will be able to see the surface of these blocks look at how smooth they are and then. There is something else if you look at here. These are two separate blocks of stone But look here you cannot put anything in between. Look, look at how perfectly fit they are. It’s impossible. How did they managed to put all these blocks like this. Look at how perfect the alignment is even after 900 years. But there’s more to the story. It is said that this temple was built by many generations and the oldest structures were built around 900 AD by a king called.
Over man and this part of the temple was said to be built by him and they say he used a strange technology, I did not believe this until I saw this but look at the stone. This part of the stone has been destroyed possibly because of the war between Thailand and Cambodia, but look at this area. There’s something very interesting here.
What is this is this really sandstone. When I try to scrape off a portion of this.
Look what’s happening?
It’s easy to scrape this off. Is it possible to do this on sandstone?
No, I think this is some kind of geopolymer technology where various types of stones Gravel sand, etc. Were put together and made into huge blocks. Today we have geopolymer technology where large blocks of stone like structures are created. Did ancient people create this kind of technology? Is this why we are able to see these bent rock. This place is full of mysteries the technology involved is unbelievable. Today we think we are master engineers in the 21st century. But these ancient builders whoever they were. They were amazing engineers. Just look at these stone steps. For example. These two steps are. Actually made of one rock and this is not an exception. We can see stone steps like this all the time. Which means what look at this step as well. There’s not two different blocks. This is one solid piece of stone and they were able to easily cut it like this entire place is full of stones like this. Let’s look at these steps. For example, this is the ancient entrance to the prea Bureau temple.
These stone steps were made in the ninth century about 1,000 years ago, but when I examine them, I’m amazed because what we are looking at is an architectural marvel. Look at these straps and tell me if you see any joints at all. No, these seven steps are made of the same rock. This is hard to fathom. But you may understand this better if you look at the side protruding outside.
That is also a part of the same rock and this. Complex design is not an exception. This seems to be the norm for the ancient builders. Let me show you another one again one, two, three, four, five, six, seven steps made out of one large rock weighing a lot of tons and perfectly pieced together with the rest of the staircase and we the so-called. Sophisticated visitors do not even notice this marvel while using these tears. This means that ancient builders were cutting massive pieces of rocks or using new polymer technology to make complex shapes.
Now while historians and archaeologists say that these structures were both about 1,000 years ago. Some people believe that these structures were made much earlier in time. These sound like crazy stories, but there may be evidence of this. Let’s go take a look at that carving. Here you can see a very strange carving. There’s a couple sitting on top of an animal but look at the size of the humans and. Look at the size of that animal this animal is almost the size of. An elephant of a modern-day elephant, but you can tell it’s not an elephant. It almost looks like a massive Cat-like animal this is definitely a prehistoric animal and Hinduism in Hindu temples in India and other countries there are carvings of extinct prehistoric animals like these saber-toothed tiger. What this temple really built 1,000 years ago or was it both during prehistoric times? There’s something very mysterious about Priya Bihar this temple dedicated to Lord Shiva in Cambodia, and were going to see more. In the next video soon. Thanks a lot for watching guys. Bye