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MYSTERIOUS Ruins That Defy History!

 Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals! 1. Pompeii, Italy There are many scary stories in history, but the story of Pompeii is one that we just can’t get over. This is the city that was built in the fertile valley near a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius. When it erupted, it caught people by surprise and buried the city in soot and ash and left it covered and perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. Now much of it has been uncovered and it is a sad historical marvel and many people were frozen in time forever. 2. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sticking with Africa, let's head to Zimbabwe, which holds one of the biggest mysteries of the continent. It's called ... Great Zimbabwe. Yeah, does not really sound mysterious, does it? But don't let that fool you, there's more to this than you might think. 3. Thonis, Egypt If you're bi

8 Healthy Vegetables You Should Be Eating

Broccoli has to be good! What about brussel sprouts? Is it time to stop eating potatoes? 

Stay tuned to learn more about different vegetables that you should and shouldn’t be eating.

Remember when you were a kid, being told things like vegetables were good for you?

That they are your best friends?

It was all for good reason. They are low in calories and high in natural essential vitamins and minerals. A plate of food is incomplete without some veggies on it.

However, not all of them are good. Before your next serving, have you thought if they’re good or bad for your health?

Just like everything else, there are good vegetables and there are bad ones that cause more harm than good. Broccoli has to be good!

What about Brussels sprouts?

Is it time to stop eating potatoes?

Broccoli has to be good! What about brussel sprouts? Is it time to stop eating potatoes?   Stay tuned to learn more about different vegetables that you should and shouldn’t be eating.
Stay tuned to learn more about different vegetables that you should and shouldn’t be eating. Let’s start off by talking about the ones that aren’t good for you: Potatoes are inescapable. It is the 4th most eaten vegetable in the world and is considered to be the ultimate comfort food for many. Sadly, they are not that great health wise. Did you know that just a cup of this starchy vegetable has the same effect on blood sugar as a can of cola. Loaded with carbs, they are digested in such a way that causes rapid rise in blood sugar levels. They are also a common culprit of obesity, diabetes and various heart diseases. Potatoes are not all bad. They contain some amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 an Potassium but they are also packed with calories. What is the best way to eat potatoes?

Tell us your favorite recipe in the comments section below. Peas Often peas are considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables in the world.
They’re green, what could go wrong?

Well, they rank high on the glycemic index making it something that diabetics should avoid. Other than that, they also contain certain compounds that stop the body from absorbing proteins. In this case, your body will automatically start producing enzymes to compensate for the loss which will lead to issues like allergic reactions and inflammation. Over eating green peas also causes discomfort from bloating, celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis due to the presence of a particular element called lectin. Eggplant, also known as aborigine, is a popular low calorie vegetable that is often featured in Mediterranean recipes. They are generally healthy but some may experience an upset stomach after eating it.
Alkaloids are found naturally in them that is supposed to keep this veggie safe from various bugs and insects.

However, this may backfire as alkaloids trigger issues related to digestion. Apart from that, they also contain certain compounds that aggravates inflammation. Remember to eat eggplant in moderation and you will be good to go! Corn Who doesn’t love corn on the cob?

Did you know that the corn available in the United States is genetically modified?

This robs it of its organic goodness. This vegetable that can be cooked in numerous different ways is actually not that good. If you have been trying to lose some weight then try cutting it entirely from your diet. It has several essential vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc and magnesium.

However just half a cup of corn contains plenty of carbohydrates which is a big no-no for people looking to cut carbs or keep their sugar intake in check. Bell Pepper Green, yellow, red and orange, bell peppers add bright and contrasting colors to any dish. The beta carotene and other components present in them helps boost immunity and promote brain health. Cheaply available in surplus amounts, this vegetable is not all good. Some people are highly sensitive to these peppers and experience symptoms like acid reflux and heartburn after eating it. This inflammation can eventually lead to some pretty serious diseases including diabetes and heart disease.

However, if you feel fine after eating them, then there’s nothing for you to worry about. Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts are an important component of Christmas dinner. Some love this green vegetable while others loathe it. It’s not about the taste in this case as eating too many Brussels sprouts is hazardous to health. Also known as ‘mini cabbages’ they contain Vitamin K that aids in blood clotting.

However it can counter the effects of blood thinning medications that some people take to prevent blood clots. Being a cruciferous vegetable containing sulphate, eating this will make you gassy. The famous saying ‘too much of anything is not good’ truly applies in case of eating Brussels sprouts. Canned Vegetables Canned foods are convenient to store, easily available, affordable and have longer shelf life. Nowadays, almost every vegetable can be found in canned form. 

Food or drinks in cans is always a dodgy idea. The packaging material contains harmful substances like BPA that can get infused inside the food and cause heart problems and diabetes. These canned foods are also sometimes infested with dangerous bacteria’s. Eating such food can cause severe illnesses. They are also high in salt, sugar and artificial preservatives which can alter the normal functioning of the body.

Always remember to steer clear of canned food and drinks whenever possible, especially if they are puffed, dented, cracked or leaking. Celery This one may come as a shocker to many especially because celery is known for its health benefits. Dieters should be extra careful before including this vegetable. These green stalks are very low in calories that may cause malnutrition if eaten in excess. Although the fiber content is great, too much of this can cause bloating. If you are eating raw celery stalks as a healthy snack, then maybe it is time for you to cut back. Eating it uncooked can potentially cause goiters which interferes with iodine production in the body. Another drawback of celery is the large amount of sodium, which has more than most vegetables!

Now onto the vegetables that you should be eating regularly: Kale Healthy eating and kale go hand in hand. Being a nutritional superstar it is loaded with various Vitamins, copper, potassium and manganese. Green juice or a green veggie salad is incomplete without a good handful of peppery, ruffled leaves of kale. 

One cup of this vegetable contains very little carbohydrates or calories making it an important part of the diabetes friendly diet as well! It is no secret that it is one of the most nutrient dense vegetables on the planet. Being a leafy green, expect loads of antioxidants and beta carotene in every bite that helps in getting rid of toxins. Garlic is a staple in every kitchen across the globe. Apart from making a dish more flavorsome, raw garlic has been used to ward off cough and cold through the centuries. Did you know that its pods are loaded with antioxidants?

A special compound, called allicin, helps in reducing cholesterol while improving heart health. It is also a great way of improving digestive health by reducing inflammation in the intestines. The list doesn’t stop there. Garlic also helps in boosting immunity and even improves skin health by getting rid of acne scars. Carrots are delicious root vegetables packed with health benefits. 

Munching on them raw or drinking its juice everyday sure improves eye health but its benefits go way beyond that. Just one medium sized carrot contains dietary fiber, good carbs and some amount of protein. They are better when eaten raw because the moment it gets cooked it loses all its nutritional value. Being a low calorie vegetable, they would make for the perfect snack if you are looking to lose weight. For voluminous hair and bright glowing skin, carrots are the way to go!
Wondering about the benefits of drinking carrot juice?

Here is what drinking carrot juice every day will do to your body. Watch the video and decide for yourself. Now back to the vegetables that you should and shouldn’t be eating. Broccoli When it comes to healthy vegetables, mentioning broccoli is a custom. This green vegetable that can be eaten every day, raw or cooked, contains numerous health benefits. It is an amazing source of an array of vitamins and minerals making it one of the healthiest vegetables in the world.

Eating just steamed broccoli everyday helps in lowering the risk of developing heart related diseases. This super food contains anti-inflammatory properties which also helps in preventing the development of cancer. Stir it up as a side dish, add it in your salad or blend it up in a smoothie, broccoli can never be the wrong choice!

Spinach Popeye the sailor man was right all along!

Spinach is a great source for a multitude of essential, natural vitamins and minerals. This leafy green is considered to be a healthful super food!

Broccoli has to be good! What about brussel sprouts? Is it time to stop eating potatoes?   Stay tuned to learn more about different vegetables that you should and shouldn’t be eating.
Loaded with nutrients and with zero calories, it is a beneficial way of keeping your body free from any toxins. It also helps in keeping the skin glowing and hair shiny. Some of the most powerful health benefits of this vegetable include reducing the chances of developing cancer, stabilizing the blood sugar levels and improving bone health. Adding this particular green into your diet will prove to be beneficial for you inside out. Asparagus is a popular ingredient used for a variety of dishes ranging from stews, salads and soups. It has some amazing benefits like supporting bone and heart health along with healthy pregnancy. The presence of fiber, potassium and antioxidants promotes heart health. Did you know that foliate present in asparagus also helps in lowering the risk of developing depression?

Being rich in fiber and water content, asparagus maintains a healthy digestive tract by preventing constipation. Red Cabbage Adding red cabbage to any plate of dish gives a nice contrasting pop of colors. But it does more than just add color. This super food is known for being the powerhouse of nutrients. It contains large amounts of immunity boosting antioxidants and Vitamin C. These antioxidants also help in improving eyesight along with teeth and bone health. A compound known as flavonoids helps in weight loss by metabolizing fats easily and suppressing appetite. Rich in Vitamin K red cabbage also helps in fighting inflammation and arthritis. You can cook it, eat it raw or ferment it. Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes are delicious, healthy and nutritious vegetables.

Naturally packed with compounds such as Vitamin A, niacin and carotenoids, among a range of others, they are anti-inflammatory as well as anti-diabetic. Available in several colors, they are a great way of managing stress levels because of the presence of magnesium in it. Swapping normal fries with sweet potato fries will also help in guarding against ulcers while minimizing the risk of any cardiovascular disease. What vegetables will you include or exclude from your diet?
Tell us in the comments now!

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