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MYSTERIOUS Ruins That Defy History!

 Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals! 1. Pompeii, Italy There are many scary stories in history, but the story of Pompeii is one that we just can’t get over. This is the city that was built in the fertile valley near a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius. When it erupted, it caught people by surprise and buried the city in soot and ash and left it covered and perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. Now much of it has been uncovered and it is a sad historical marvel and many people were frozen in time forever. 2. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sticking with Africa, let's head to Zimbabwe, which holds one of the biggest mysteries of the continent. It's called ... Great Zimbabwe. Yeah, does not really sound mysterious, does it? But don't let that fool you, there's more to this than you might think. 3. Thonis, Egypt If you're bi


 Why can frozen berries sometimes be more nutritious than fresh berries? Many fresh fruits, like berries, and some vegetables too, are picked before they are ripe. This allows them time to fully ripen during transportation, but it means they had less time to obtain and develop a full range of vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants with help from the soil. Berries destined to be frozen, on the other...

HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

For example, if you want to eat more fruits, keep it on the counter in clear sight and instead of just throwing an orange into your bag, which let’s be honest, hardly ever finds its way out, we can instead peel it up or cut it, put it in a container and put it on our desk to enjoy when hungry. And if we cut them up and put them in front of our partner or kids it’ll also increase the chance that they’ll eat it too. If you usually place a bowl of chips on your desk, maybe swapping it out for something like nuts might help. And when you open your pantry and chocolate is the first thing you see, chances are that’s what you’re gonna reach for. So, maybe try shifting it to the side or behind some of the dried fruit or trail mix. This isn’t to say that that food is forbidden, it just means were less likely to impulsively reach for it if it’s out of sight. And the same thing goes for drinking our fluids, whether its tea or water, placing it in front of you while you work or study. It’s gonna increase the chances that you’ll take periodic sips and stay hydrated throughout the day.

HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

Carrots and celery are awesome carrying devices for our favorite dips and sauces, but if you’ve ever tried to cut them up ahead of time to store in the fridge, you might have noticed that they lose their crunch and sometimes they get this slimy film. So, there is a way to avoid that and it’s just to store them in a glass container or jar with some water. It helps the veggies stay crisp and fresh and they store in the fridge for a longer time. Just change out the water every couple of days or so, and keep in mind that the carrots will keep longer than the celery. Now I know some people might be worried about cutting up their veggies ahead of time because you feel you might lose some nutrients. Now there are three factors that can cause nutrient loss and that is heat, oxygen and light. In this case there’s no exposure to heat or light, just oxygen and the nutrient that’s most easily affected by this is vitamin C and sometimes vitamin E, but what you don’t lose are all the other incredible nutrients like fiber, some of the B vitamins, minerals and many more.

So long story short, the benefit of eating pre-cut veggies, even with a little less vitamin C, it far outweighs not eating the veggies at all or reaching for less wholesome convenient foods instead. This next one is a tip that my mum actually  recently taught me. I go through a lot of nut butters. Peanut butter and almond butter especially, and as nutrient-dense as they already are there’s something we can actually do to pump up the nutrition a little bit more. And how we can do that is with seeds. Seeds offer a unique combination of phytonutrients and antioxidants that have a whole bunch of health benefits. So I take a full jar of peanut butter, I empty out about a third of it. I store that away to enjoy later. And to the large jar I add a couple spoonful’s of some seeds. You can use whatever you have on hand. I use sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, coarsely ground flax seeds, chia seeds, lightly toasted sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. I then give it a mi and store it in the fridge. You can add it to oatmeal or spread it on toast. It just makes for a colorful and nutrient-packed addition to any meal. And if you can’t tolerate nut butters you can still make the seed mix alone and use it in the same way, like add it to smoothies or parfaits.

I feel like it also makes the foods just look so much more vibrant and wholesome. You might have heard of this little hack to fill a few Tupperware containers with the ingredients you need for a smoothie. That way when you’re looking for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up you just pop it into a blender, no chopping required, add a splash of plant milk or maybe some greens or nut butter to accompany it. It’s also an awesome way to use up leftover fruits that are at their peak ripeness. But if you already make smoothies you might find that you’ve kind of gotten into this routine of making the same thing over and over again. At least I know that that happens to me. So I have two ingredients that I want to recommend. These are nutrient-dense additions to your frosty drink and trust me, you can’t even taste them in there. First up is frozen zucchini. And this is especially great for people who can’t tolerate bananas or just don’t like the taste of it. Because it gives it a similar creaminess but without that banana flavor.

And the second one is white beans. These are packed in protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and again trust me, you won’t even know that they’re in there! So if you’re looking for a new twist to your smoothies give these two a try. You know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away?

It’s more like something that berries are capable of doing. An apple, for example, has 60 units of antioxidants, whereas a cup of berries offers 650 units. And that’s why Robin and I try to have at least a handful of berries each day. Either on our oatmeal, on a parfait and smoothies or just as a snack. So this little tip is just a reminder to up that berry intake if you can. And I know that berries can be expensive when they’re not in season so in the colder months we opt for frozen berries. And did you know that frozen berries in many cases are more nutrient-dense than fresh berries?

If you didn’t know why I’ll let you know why in the comments below. So feel free to go check that out. But another side kind of tip is: if you are lucky enough to have access to berry picking in the summer months wherever you live,
load up on that stuff, cut it up and put it in the freezer to enjoy in the fall and winter months. Second to berries, herbs and spices are the foods highest in antioxidants and that’s something I only recently learned in a new book that I was listening to. I’m totally a bookworm. I love and need to learn new things. Especially in the realm of nutrition. But when it comes to books I don’t always make the time to sit and read. Which is why I’ve been using audible for years.

It just makes it so easy because you can listen to a book no matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing. So this book I recently listened to is called How not to die by dr. Greer. It’s one of the most comprehensive books on health and nutrition that I’ve ever listened to. In one section dr. Greer, who’s a physician, he talks about how we can make healthy foods even more wholesome by just spicing it up. He shares how a bowl of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and broccoli, for example, has a 150 units of antioxidants but if we had just one teaspoon of dried oregano that number doubles up to 300.

That goes to show how powerful spices can be. Now I want to thank the amazing folks over at audible for partnering with us on this video. And if you’re interested in unlocking some other nutrition gems by giving this book a listen, you can get it or any other book of your choosing, for free. Plus a 30-day free membership if you visit limes or visit the link in the description box below. Now we’ve talked about the nutrient density of spices. And many spices come from fresh herbs. You’ve likely noticed we use a lot of fresh herbs in our recipes. 

7 Smoothie Freezer Packs | How To Meal Prep

And as much as I’ve gotten better at keeping my potted herbs alive, sometimes they just die for certain dried out ones like rosemary and thyme you can just pick off the branches and use as a spice but you can also salvage some of the living leaves by picking them off the plant chopping them up and then placing them in an ice cube tray with some water alternatively you can also add them to a food processor with equal parts oil and water blend it and then add that to the ice cube tray once its frozen I then transfer the cubes into a Tupperware container now the herbs they’re not going to freeze in a way that’s going to retain its former glories but it’s going to retain its flavor and nutrient profile if you enjoy it with a 1 to 2 month period you can then add these cubes to soups or stews or pasta sauces it’s a great way to reduce food waste and add some flavor to dishes plus some extra vitamins minerals and antioxidants something I’ve noticed I’ve been doing lately which I never used to do before is adding spinach to my cooked meals and I do it in super huge quantities because within just a few minutes the big pile of greens cooks down to a super small amount and it hides perfectly well in dishes like curries stir fries its soups and more as with other veggies there are pros and cons to both the raw and cooked form with spinach for example the raw form offers higher amounts of certain nutrients whereas the cooked form offers higher amounts of other nutrients so longer the short enjoy both the cooked and raw versions but don’t shy away from cooked it’s just such an easy way to get a whole bunch of greens onto your plate and into your body with loads of nutrients to accompany it we’ve all been there feeling like you’re hungry for no reason but you just want something to snack on or maybe you’re legitimately hungry but you don’t have the energy or patience to figure out what you want to make so if there’s one tip. 

I can give it is to have 3 snack ideas in your arsenal that take 2 minutes or less to put together that way they serve as alternatives to something that might have been a little less wholesome so for example my three quick and dirty snacks or medjool dates filled with nut butter an apple that I dip into plant yogurt and sometimes I put into the cinnamon or maple syrup and some hummus on crackers or rice cakes topped with cucumbers tomatoes and arugula having an arsenal of crazy easy wholesome snacks it’s not only going to limit decision fatigue around snack choices it’s also going to give you a nutrient-dense energy boost there is no doubt about it planning our meals helps us make more wholesome food choices and it helps to decrease the food waste and its 100% natural to not be able to stick to it 100% of the time but if we plan our meals like a week in advance chances are more often than not that we do stick to its some of the time so if you’re interested we created a new PDF for you where you can record the meals you would like to enjoy in a week and if you couple this with our free grocery shopping list you can make sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand to stick to the meal plan post it on the fridge and invite your partner our family members to contribute to it as well I’ll leave those links for you in the description box below and I hope that you find them helpful were approaching the holidays a time when we all indulge a little bit more often than we usually do and I think that absolutely wonderful but if you’re feeling like you’ve just had enough of the treat foods one event after the next I recommend whipping together your own wholesome contribution that others can also enjoy whether it’s a huge batch of filling and comforting soup or a platter with dips crackers fruits or veggies or hummus pinwheels it’s one of my favorites to take which is just loaded with fresh and roasted veggies and it’s always a crowd-pleaser everyone always appreciates contributions and I think you might appreciate having something that you can fill up on that helps you feel a bit more balanced I can already tell this video is longer than usual I get super excited when I can share nutrition tips and information with you guys so I hope that you learned something new today. 


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