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MYSTERIOUS Ruins That Defy History!

 Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals! 1. Pompeii, Italy There are many scary stories in history, but the story of Pompeii is one that we just can’t get over. This is the city that was built in the fertile valley near a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius. When it erupted, it caught people by surprise and buried the city in soot and ash and left it covered and perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. Now much of it has been uncovered and it is a sad historical marvel and many people were frozen in time forever. 2. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sticking with Africa, let's head to Zimbabwe, which holds one of the biggest mysteries of the continent. It's called ... Great Zimbabwe. Yeah, does not really sound mysterious, does it? But don't let that fool you, there's more to this than you might think. 3. Thonis, Egypt If you're bi

How to Build a PC! Step-by-step

This is a step by step guide on how to build a PC in 2020. This walks through all of the steps needed on how to build a PC in 2020, what parts you need, how to hook everything up and even some initial setup when you are done. This is a great guide on how to build a pc for beginners and can be used as a how to build a pc guide later on! This PC is $ 1000 dollars and if you want to purchase those parts and follow along even better! 

What’s up ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Robeytech the show where we get you up to speed on everything having to do with the tech and PC world. We would say gaming, but this one.. this one’s special. This is a DIY for a video we did a couple weeks ago which was about building a thousand dollar PC. Not only do we just tell you about the parts that we chose but you know were gonna build it today as well. If everything goes according to plan by the end of this we will actually have a PC built. But before I do that if you want to check out the why we chose the parts you check out that video right here. I will also go ahead and put a link to that in the video description below. We had a lot of comments about why we chose the parts that we did.  I wanted to spend a little time before we got into the build,  I promise well get to the build quickly, on why I chose these particular parts. This build is the most future-proof kind of cornerstone build that you can do for a thousand dollar. Everything that I chose here, was specifically because not only would you be able to build it but you would have a great foundation for a build that you could upgrade later. 

So I didn’t choose like B450 for the motherboard I chose X570 because I wanted you be able to upgrade this very easily. Same thing with the graphics card, same thing with the cooler, same thing with the case everything was about upgradability. You want to check out that build and why we chose this parts you can check out that video right here. Let’s talk about the parts that we put inside of this build. At the brain is the rise in 5 3600 this is a 6 core 12 thread CPU and processor. The reason I chose this, and the reason I chose Ryzen, is because unlike anything choosing on Intel right now Intel is a one-trick pony. Ryzen is kind of king, were gonna start simple choose something like the 3600. This does actually have a cooler in it, which is kind of cool, but we went ahead and did it different cooler, well talk about that here in a few minutes. For the motherboard we chose the Prime X570P. I chose specifically Asus. This is their budget board. Couple things: 

One I chose x570 because it has PCIE Gen 4. Yes, yes, I know, there isn’t a real reason quite yet for PCIe gen 4, but in the future we already actually have PCIe gen 4 graphics card coming out, and in two years if you want to upgrade to one of those in a 3000 or 4000 in NVIDIA series or our RDNA 2.0 then you have a board that already supports it, you’re not going to basically having to replace your motherboard. Standard features, I mean you still got addressable headers you’ve got plenty of M.2 space, overall it’s an aesthetically pleasing board as well so felt like a good choice and overall quality choice for the price. For M.2, this actually says 500 gig, that’s because, at the time of filming the one that we chose was 1 terabyte, were gonna throw 1 terabyte in this, but this is a 500 gig Western Digital blue, again you’re looking at 2,400 megabits per second. There is nothing faster than m.2 and I want to make sure that if you’re going to use this for gaming or rendering or anything else that you had the fastest i/o speed. Western Digital is a great brand right now these are going for like 99 bucks which is why they’re always selling out.

How to Build a PC! Step-by-step (2020 Edition)
So that’s why I specifically chose this one. I know a lot of people are like well why not throw like a physical, like a 7200 rpm drive, because bang for buck and M.2s is actually really good right now, and there’s just there really isn’t anything faster. For cooler this is the Hyper 212 Black. I have used Cooler Master before, there’s lots of different options. Trying to keep in that price point if you ever wanted to quickly, let’s say for instance you had a 3600,  you got an extra couple hundred bucks you wanted upgraded to a 3700X, so I went with the Hyper 212. It’s really such a personal choice, and so if you decide to go off rails, wouldn’t be surprised if something like this was something you might do that with. G.skill Ripjaws. This is DDR4. This is a 3600 kit at C16, compatible with this one. Ideal for Ryzen, obviously the faster the RAM, the better it is for the CPU. I didn’t want you to have to rebuy all of your dims going to 3600, specifically, as we get faster kits going further and further. Again, upgradeability, this is compatible with the x570. You’ll actually see me make sure this runs when we get this done. And well upgrade that in the BIOS. Another part, and this is the one that’ actually probably caused the most debate, and I’ll talk about this. I did the RM 750X by Corsair. A lot of people chimed in on this because, they were like, why 750X? Let me just be super clear, the main reason being, is: A) Corsair makes a great PSU. I’ve used a ton of Corsair, I’ve yet to have one of these fail on me, in the 30 or so builds that I’ve done in the last year and a half. 

The second thing is, this has two EPS connectors for CPU. If you’re gonna talk about upgrade-ability and know let’s say for instance,  you like, let’s say you threw a B450 or a B350 motherboard in here, and you only got like a 650 watt or 500 watt power supply... Which would be completely fine for this. If you decided, hey, I’m gonna go ahead and go to an X570 or an X670 or you know, heaven forbid, a Z490 umm build later-on. Guess what! You have to also replace your PSU, because most of those cards require two EPS CPU connectors. So when I thought about, hey, why did I choose this specifically? A 750 watt? It is because when I went to a later build, if I wanted  to upgrade this, you’re not gonna have to replace this motherboard. This is gonna be more than powerful enough if you went in 2080 TI a 3080 TI, this will be perfectly fine. Finally, the other thing that got, a ton of comments. You know I’m gonna just put this out of the way.
Another thing that got a ton of comments. Was the Zotac Gaming GeForce 1660. I know a lot of people are like, oh my gosh! Why a 1660? Why not a 5700XT? Why not an RTX 2060? Well, the main thing is, is again.. When you think about the principles, of why I chose all the parts that I did for the build. There was only so much money I had, to spend on a graphics card. Because, again, if I spent more on the graphics card that may mean I was going to a B450, which would mean you wouldn’t get PCIe Gen 4. Or I had to choose a less powerful power supply which meant that you’d have to upgrade then later on. So, when I went with the GeForce 1660, again I was sticking to budget. Now, why I chose NVidia? Team Green over team red? Well, it’s quite simply, having to do with, this is still the king when it comes to ah this tier of graphics card. 5600 and 5600XT were not outperforming it at the time that I had basically chosen this part.  AMD graphic drivers haven’t been the best.

They’ve been actually pretty problematic, while team Green has done a really good job of staying up to date and just doing a better job of making sure that compatibility. The other thing to. Is in the links, in the description below, I also put some very easy upgrades like for instance the 2060KO, which is a 2070 and 2080 die, that actually performs on par with the 2070 Super for not much more. So if you wanted to know an easy upgrade.. that’s there. I also went ahead and threw in a 5700 XT and 5700. So there’s links there for that.  If you’re looking for, probably the first thing to upgrade, this would be the one that Id select. But again, for the price, this is going to be a great 1080p graphics card, 1080p gaming PC, and I still stand by my decision in terms of this is the best choice for that. So boom! We get to the last part which is our case. I didn’t want to skimp here right. I have no issue with this case actually, I’m a big fan of this case. Great case, sexy looking case. The one thing that I wanted to make sure that I chose, is like.. I put a USB C connector in heretic thought that was pretty important. The thing is, is that there is no USB C header on the x570p It’s not actually being used, so, kind of a lot of my logic, in terms of choosing this one, was more about aesthetic. This may be so many peoples first build. This is a great PC chassis to build in. I think when you start going to a lot of the more inexpensive cases your finding, that people have a problems building in those cases, and though they save that 10, 15, 20 bucks.

They end up struggling and getting super frustrated, and may never come back. It’s just an easy case to build in. NZXT did such a good job being able to make sure, when you’re done, you actually have a PC that looks really good. There is no RGB in this build, obviously, given $1,000 and I wanted to spend everything on not having RGB. Adding RGB, in NZXT specifically, with their AER fans and their  hue controllers and stuff like that. It’s actually really easy, if you wanted to add some bling later on. Doing it in the NZXT ecosystem, with their CAM software and everything else, is really easy and actually were gonna be doing a video on that. This isn’t on the list, I’m gonna add it to the list, but this isn’t on the list. I just have an issue with stock cables that come with PSU. So, I’m a huge fan of Asia horse, they make some really great cable extensions. Well talk about when we build this like what to do if you don’t have the cable extensions. They make such a big difference. You’ll see that when you get done here. We’re gonna do some b-roll we want to make sure this PC still looks sexy at the end of this video. That everything that we need to build. Let’s just quickly talk about what were gonna need for this build. 

Now some of this is optional, some of this is not. But this is what I usually do for a build. What you definitely will need is a screwdriver call this one Excalibur because I’ve had this since what does mean he is serious 9 it’s been around forever has multiple heads the one thing I would recommend is a really nice screwdriver with a nice long neck because you’re gonna need it and then magnetic it’s not necessary but magnetic definitely helps but if you just have like what I think its a number two Phillips screwdriver then you’re gonna be in good shape you can also go to something like this which I would definitely recommend if you’re gonna get serious about this especially upgrading this is a kit by fixit these are incredible kits they just make it really easy to basically do the work that you need to do and they have so many options for heads so that’s why I would definitely recommend and I fix it especially were gonna be serious about that for cable management because cable manages the thing you got a couple options you got these are  cable managers they’re really easy a lot of times these are just means you don’t have to worry about cutting them versus the secondary option that you have there what your zip ties or as the verge calls them tweezers these zip ties are just gonna be really easy for funneling stuff to bundling cables together you’re gonna see me use these the main reason that I have these out here is because when you get finished zip tying these down these are what you use to basically cut off the excess these are just standard wire cutters you can get them from any and basically hardware a store.

How to Build a PC! Step-by-step (2020 Edition)
I have a couple of them laying around these things make such a big difference when you’re using these two so if you’re gonna use these you want something like this and then finally and maybe not necessary but thermal paste this is not too it in in the one thermal paste most coolers and many of the air coolers and specifically if you’re using liquid coolers have this stuff already you just need to verify when you get it before you go out and buy your own thermal paste that you do in fact need this because like I said a lot of this stuff is pre applied if you got Corsair guaranteed it’s on their on their air coolers or their liquid coolers but again verify that before you sit down and do your build because one thing you don’t want to do is get all the way down there and feel like oh man I need thermal paste you end up having to way today because if you’re anything like me you want to get this started right away last thing is you’re looking at here and I’ll talk about this is static this is a PC building mat this one we specifically got from Newegg having a nice anti-static clear / clear place to build is absolutely critical I have a special flooring that is on the floor that keeps me from basically getting static but this is what you need a nice clean surface nice open surface these particular tools here if you add the cable management then you’re ending you’re going to end up with a much cleaner looking build so again this is what you need now let’s get to building so let’s talk about the next step which is were gonna put the motherboard together so what does everything that you need for the mother were in a well you need the actual motherboard surprise you actually need the thing that you put it all in being a the CPU and then finally you need the MDOT to drive which we have right here and you need the cooler which is right here there’s your cotter and then you also need the Rams because we’re gonna keep in the German the German accent is their RAM we need the RAM is then let us get started okay so when taking this out of the case not a whole lot you got to worry about here there’s an anti-static bag inside of the case is other things that you will need so the other things that you will need out of here. 

I’m gonna give you kind of an update of some stuff that comes inside of this the first thing that you will need is your this has stuff like where your front panel connectors get plugged in this also shows things like where you’re gonna put your RAM slots because they because you only have two dims we have to know where to put those so make sure that you keep this you will need this on hand for when you’re building these little things right here that you’re looking at these are in dot 2 screws when we install dot 2 you’re going to need these so please make sure you do not throw these away you will not get these any other place and these are little easy things to freaking loose this right here is your i/o shield some awesome very happy motherboards actually include these already kind of built in this one does not this is a budget X 570 board so this is a m4 or specifically this is where were gonna install our CPU this is for Rison specifically because it’s called an m4 socket these two brackets here are going to change right they may change depending on what’s cooler but in many cases well end up taking these off but in some cases like for instance in Corsair coolers um these would actually stay on and the Corsair a i/o pump would actually connect directly to this this is actually were gonna install our rent thing that’s interesting about this is that we actually have four places that we can plug in again you’ll notice that these are actually color coded grey black these are actually different colors that so you can actually know where they’re paired because this is dual channel specifically in this motherboard that they’re gonna go either in the gray slot or the black slot these only have one in them some motherboards actually have to but this one specifically has one so.

When we install these would basically just use the one side this is our 4 by PCI C 16 for plugging in our graphics cards or other expansion cards for this specific motherboard you can see that this actually a different color this is where you’re gonna plug in your graphics card and make sure that you’re getting the full power of your graphics card in this case these right here are your m2 you can see that we’ve actually got two of them you can install up to two name in twos on this motherboard some have more than that but this particular board has two down here you’ll actually see the different screw holes where well plug in those little tiny screws we showed you earlier and then again you’ve got another PCIe 16 and then some other expansion slots here this is your X 570 chipset this is specifically cooling your X 570 chipset something that just a little bit of information for you in this particular case this is something that can run warm so these are actively cooled so that is your motherboard in a nutshell well talk about some of these other parts later on but for the most part I want to give you a rundown as we start walking through this you’re familiar with what we’re going to do so this is our AMD rising processor a couple things about when you open this up first thing you definitely don’t want to touch the top try and touch the sides this is the this is the IHS or the heat spreader for your CPU and then on the back you can see all these golden pins don’t touch the golden pins even though they’re shiny you don’t want to touch them that would be bad now when you’re looking at the CPU you see this little gold arrow right here that you want to line up with the other arrow that is on the motherboard which is right here so that little gold arrow goes to the same place as this little arrow right here now when you’re gonna saw CPU see this little arm right here you’re gonna kind of push it off the side and then lift up that’s gonna release the pins right here then remember we talked about that little arrow again the arrow in the corner you’re gonna basically align with little arrow here and then it slips right in and you can just kind of jiggle it you can see that’s in there nice and good and finally just gonna push this down like so a little bit of pressure and then slip it under like that.

So let’s talk about the RAM here real quick so this is the this is basically the RAM when you install the RAM in you can see in the PCB this little notch un align this little notch with the little notch at you see right here for this one because were installing two bits were gonna install in B 2 and E 2 which are these two right here so were gonna open up these two just like so were gonna put the first one in all you’re gonna do is push down apply pressure on both sides get a nice clean snap in make sure that you see that snap like so there’s one the second one stay away put it in push it down make sure it goes all the way in Clips it there you go rammons install one or anything guys is there’s always little bits of plastic on these things so make sure that you look around on this particular board its only in this one place make sure you get that nice peel get that cleaned off like so let’s install our MDOT to drive first thing you gotta do is you see down here it says 2280 I know you probably can’t read this but it says 20 to 80 20 to 60 and 20 to 42 were using what’s called an 80 millimeter MDOT to see this little screw right here I’m gonna screw that in where it says 20 to 80 like so you don’t want to do it too tight but you want to make sure it’s nice and snug next thing were gonna do is you’re with your MDOT to is you’re gonna slide this in make sure it clicks in nicely then you know that it’s kind of installed because it gets like it’s like a little diving board finally take your little screw you’re a little bit like so hold it down like that little screw in screw it down and this one you just want to screw until it stops just like that you’ve got to is installed this is probably the most complicated part of the build in terms of up until this point is putting together the air cooler for the CPU what you see here is not everything that is including the BOK.

This is just what’s in the box that you need specifically for installing this on an AM for or rise in bracket this is your cooler your CPU cooler right here so this is what you’re gonna basically be installing in this is your back plate we’re gonna be putting this together here in a couple minutes all of these components are all the things that are going to get used on this it includes thermal paste so please don’t go by thermal paste this actually has thermal paste so don’t worry about that and then finally you can screw things into your motherboard so let’s put the back plate together first for the back plate what we’re gonna do is were going to use these parts these parts specifically so these are all parts that you need these are these right here are your little clips for putting things in and then these are your little post that you’re gonna screw stuff in for your motherboard so what you’re gonna do is you’re going to take your bracket like so I take these little metal posts you’re going to basically slip them in to these little slots on the outside like this clip in like that and then you rotate them and then they’ll fit right in like that you’re gonna take one of these little brackets like this you’re just gonna kind of push this kind of hard I’m just gonna kind of slip right over it clips over just like that and then you’re just going to do that for the last two so we’ve just showing you up close what that looks like so putting the last two in push those together don’t worry about it just know that goes over you’re watching me doing here too so it’s a little bit iffy but they clip right over it like that and then you’re in the end this is what your back plate looks like you see those middle posts are poking through on all four slides lets prep building this next what you’re gonna do is were going to remove the brackets we do not need them for this build for this particular thing so were gonna take these off same thing with the one down here there you go now the last thing is that we’re gonna lift this up yeah you’ll see look at that a little back plate were just gonna get rid of that were gonna do is were gonna take our new back plate and you’re gonna basically stick these in like that and lay this back down like so now were going to take this little contraption here and then slide this roll these on all four of these don’t tighten them all the way now just kind of screw am down there’s one speed this up just to show this there’s four then this little device right here just stick it on top of it like that just give it like one or two turns nothing too crazy just till it kind of stops don’t want to over tighten but just like that you’ll so now the motherboard is prepped the last thing we want to do is we want to install our bracket onto our cooler so what you’re gonna do is you’re basically gonna take this slide it underneath like that and align up right with the hole it’s like little notches on it which hold it then with these weird angles this is where a magnetic screwdriver helps hold this down screw that all the way in then you just repeat tighten it well its good just grab that you oh snap so next step were gonna take the word because whoops wow that just pops right off so yeah were take the clips off of this writer move this fan okay that is now prepared I’m gonna stick that off to the side next thing were gonna do is install our thermal paste we do what’s called the rice method so this is ours.

Tummel paste right here this came with the cooler what you want to do is you want to do about the size of a grain of rice maybe a little bit bigger because the IHS and this is a look up that’s a big piece of rice but that’s totally fine so in the magic of YouTube you’re probably noticing that these brackets are different just FYI I put the wrong brackets on here so when you go back and install them they install the exact same way but choose the other brackets in the Box just as an FYI okay so what you’re going to do make sure the cooler mass stur is lined up at the top you’re gonna line this up just like that push it down like so quick clips in there like that and from there you’re gonna use your screwdriver and you’re gonna do in a star pattern you start putting it in one then just go to each side and this is where like the one thing that’s tough about some of these screws is there you go just keep going around in like a star pattern versus a and this is basically putting pressure and spreading out that stuff that you’ve had before you don’t want to go to you know our word about going too tight you’re kind of know when to stop like till feel you’ll feel it in terms of attention and stuff like that basically just keep going around there you go that one so what we have here is we have two connectors you have one basically fan header connector you have here this is your CPU and this is your i/o you want to make sure you plug this into your CPU connector now the only two is you’ll probably notice that I still have this zip-tied that’s again it’s just already set up cable management it makes it easy were gonna clip it on like this and the way this clips work put these in these little holes these are the screw holes and there’s a little hole back here you can pull push it in that little.

How to Build a PC! Step-by-step
Ridge right there and there we go our motherboard is completely built and for this like what I have a density to do is go ahead now that you have it all done some twisty tie this like so and then take off this white sticker that’s annoying because again we want to make sure this is a clean-looking build so lift off the white sticker buy a white sticker you don’t even know what part you are bunch up really tight like so and you can use that same twisty tie but in my case I’m gonna use a zip tie this bad boy so it’s all cable match it’s nice and clean when we get it in later let me gonna grab our handy dandy Coopers just around it looks like was meant to be that way now we are motherboard is ready were gonna put this inside of his awesome PC so first thing we got to do is we got to prep the case there’s only a couple things we got to do for that there are these thumb screws that we have to get out so were gonna take off these thumb screws I can never get them undone with my thumb so usually I just take the good old screwdriver and get that done be careful here this can kind of fly off there we go so pop that off like so flip this around let’s take the back panel off first as well undo that one again I can never seem to get that one I actually was able to just get off with my hands same thing down here than this one just kind of pops off nicely as well just like that and then now that were in you can see down here its nice little box these are all your accessories that you need for putting your PC together time to actually get the PC into it and guys if you hear if you hear fireworks were shooting this the day of the Super Bowl so what you are hearing right now is the Kansas City Chiefs apparently just won spoiler alert if you’re catching this later because this is not going to be out in the next day so anyway guys first thing were gonna do is were in a sorrow shield this isn’t the part let me just tell you please do not forget this.

part if you’re falling along with this build you go ahead and can do so but this is your i/o shield this thing is pretty flimsy but were gonna put this in there’s a little slot in the back here where were gonna install this when you push this you’re gonna look for a big snap oh yeah there you go congratulations to Kansas City for doing that were gonna push this in here in the back like so and you’re gonna hear kind of snap and its you’re gonna kind of work around but you’re gonna make sure it snaps in nice and solidly now the one thing I’ll tell you there’s holes little circles at the very bottom those are your audio jacks these always go towards the bottom were gonna put in the motherboard now the standoffs in this case are already set up for you to basically they’re already installed one thing to always do is check is to go around just make sure that they’re all nice and tight there is one stand up in the middle this one actually has like a little pay that one is going to go in the middle slots and when you push this in and we’re going to show you in there were gonna basically you do not want to grab it by the cooler you want to grab this like so just kind of line it up and just kind of push it over in those little circles and Ill line up and then that little slot is gonna click in just like that now make sure you don’t lift up the motherboard cuz it’s not installed yet but it’s basically all lined up it should just basically line up like this and you can see these little slots are all in the right spot were ready to put this in here were gonna give you a view of doing a salt they’re gonna want to use the 632 screw flat or the screws that you’re going to want to use your motherboard you’re going to use eight of these and then they go in three locations you can just follow along on the top they’re going to go in the middle across the top and there’s going to be an 8 total so were going to screw those in okay so again for those of you don’t know just to remind you that one there one there one there one there that one is a peg one there one there one there and one there okay next step lets connect front panel connectors so let’s talk about what your front panels are alright so the front panel connectors just to be clear this is your HD audio connector it says HD audio on it will show ahead of cooking up this is USB 3.1 this is USB C we won’t be using this because we don’t have a USB C header on our motherboard and then this is a front panel connector that connects into something that comes in your case it looks like this this plugs into this like so there’s a little there’s a little hole but you’ll just be able to line these up like this they plug in like this and then these are what actually hooks into your case and you’re going to want to look at you will show you how to do that here in a minute so first thing we do is this is a USB 3.1 connector there’s a little notch here that lines up with a notch right there you one thing is this is one where you can definitely put Bend pins you want to come straight down line it up and then push it in a little snap right in but if you start to feel like there’s not a lot of pressure then just make sure that you didn’t bend any pin push it down next one up is the power switches you can see here this is power plus - you’ve got your power switch in your hard drive this is your front panel you can see that its actually labeled on this were gonna do the power plus and minus in the top left the hard drive light goes right below it and then the power switch goes right next to it and let’s show you how to hook those up now okay so my recommendation is start with a hard drive light since it’s the only one on the bottom that goes in the bottom left two slots like so push it in then you got your power + and - they go right above it so - is on the left and then sorry on the right and then  it’s on the left like this this will take a little bit of practice here and then finally power switch goes right next to it just like that there you go all your front panels are connected for the HD audio you can actually see there’s a missing pin right here so what you want to do is when you line this up and it actually says HD idea this goes facing towards the CPU cooler.

 I’m going to take this and you just want to plug it in just like that and there you go and boom all of our front panel connectors are connected now were installing our PSU now there are more parts than this inside of the PSU box when I walk through the stuff that you need specifically for this build you need your 750 watt power supply which you have right here it’s a little sticker it’s gonna peel that bad boy off oh is that was good for you as it was for me let’s talk about the connectors you need these are your EPS CPU connectors you’ll need both of these you’ll know their CPU because they say CPU and on the head they actually look like they can actually split into two I’ll show you that a little later on so you’ll need both of these you don’t need this for the build were gonna plug one set in these are actually SATA power these do things like power RGB power a iOS and other things it’s just easier to do this early so I’m gonna plug one of these in already this is your 24 pin motherboard connector you need this this is what you need for your graphics card as you can see there’s actually two they can do six pin or eight pin connectors and then of course then your power cable you have screws for your power supply so first thing were going to do is our 24 pin and remember guys these are all labeled so pretty easy but dog helped explain where these are first thing you’re gonna do 24 pin plug that in right there next one goes right there lets go and connect our CPU connectors you can see that it says for CPU or PCI 6x2 those are the ones we care about the ones that don’t say CPU is where you don’t plug into the CPU this goes to the PSU so.

We’re gonna plug one there take the second one and plug it right next to it like so this is for our graphics card the part that splits is the part that plugs in so anything its label says PCIe for like in this case or right here those are ones that you are not gonna plug in the power supply so the unlabeled one goes into there like that and finally we’ve got our single SATA or peripheral one were just gonna plug that one in right here at the top and let me just tell you this you want to do all of this before you plug in your PSU into our case so now were gonna do is you see  this like basically how do you plug your CP your PSU in you want your fan to go out of the bottom as you can see actually down here we actually have a dust filter so that is where the air is gonna come out I mean that’s where the air is gonna come out if you did not have that and you wouldn’t worry about that but in this case because were doing just this specific build you want your PSU to go in down there and you just slide it in like so yes the text is upside down on this side but on the other side its actually right side up plug it in like that and then what were gonna do is were gonna rotate this and then you’re gonna line up the screws and they say on here for PSU grab that line up the holes shows a nice and kind of snug and your PSU is in and next thing were to do is were in a star GPU now for your GPU you’ll see this were gonna put it in this top slot here and if you follow that top slot you can see it hits the second and the third one of these extenders so were gonna take the sorry the little PCIe covers were gonna take this off good those are those are something fierce terms a kittens this those screws are on their there’s one so I’m gonna take the little cover off so we can get access to the secondary screws oh that’s still like oh. 

I guess you can just loosen it were just take ours off just a bit better okay were going to take off the second and the third so well take this out so there you get a second year third out you’re gonna take your graphics card like this I’m just gonna kind of slip it on through there then there’s gonna line it up with the slot there’s gonna push it in and you’ll hear it click when it goes in like that screw those screws back in and this is a two slot card so if you are putting in a different graphics card while I’m screwing these things in you can if it’s like a three slot you may take out more but the best thing to do is just kind of follow the line over from the slot you’re gonna put it in which in that case till show you which one of these little PCI covers you want to take off but if there’s as its a larger card like a three slot card then you take off additional ones pin let’s put this back on cuz this is good to go and there we go yeah were gonna hook up our cable extenders now when you looked at your cable extensions right you ended up having a ton of different cables there’s actually only three that you need for this build so you’ll need your 24 pin and again what happens is that big 24 pin cable it comes out your PSU plugs into the bottom you can see the little notch there so it’s gonna plug into this you need a CPU EPS connector here’s one right here and the last one you need is for your graphics card and so you’ll see on the top of it these are actually cable combs the way you know which direction to have the top B is I just where they’re gonna slot in like this and then.

 I make sure that the cable comb is actually at the top part of that same thing for our PSU one that I did is I came in and pretended like I was gonna hook it up like that was going to and then when I hooked it up I made sure that the cable combs were on the right side but in that case I was wrong and so now I have to redo them that’s why you check so first were gonna put in this is for our graphics card and plug that one in were gonna run this one down here like so it’s nice and straight there you go and see how pretty that looks when you have cable combs so it looks good take our motherboard you see its over here you’re gonna basically line up the cable like so make sure it snaps and there’s a little pin there’s only one way that this can go in here so you’ll see a little notch on it you’re just gonna run this back like this no with the cable comb I’ll make sure it looks good there you go nice clean look there so there’s actually gonna be two of these but were only have one extender so were gonna take this one so what we’re gonna do I’m just mine the light so actually gonna split this in half like so we only get we get this in cut in half because this is actually easier this way and then what were gonna do is were gonna run this one right up in this upper left-hand corner and I know you can’t see this all that well that is what we’re going to do right now so we’re going to go like that and there you go you see it plugged in there we’ve got everything hooked up we’ve got the edging you see a cable management lets got the front the front congratulations ladies and gentlemen if you’re at this point in the video you’ve got mostly a complete PC this is what the front is going to look like of this PC but now it’s not the same in the back in fact it can be a little overwhelming and lets go ahead and address that problem so let’s talk about a fine world of cable management now if you did not have cable extensions let’s say foreign on part of the build these things these would plug in where I plugged in the cable extensions okay so all I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take this one.

 I’m gonna plug this into our 24 pin and remember there’s a little notch here we’re gonna show it that shows you where this little clip goes there’s only one way you can plug these in so this is not something that is easy to mess up unless you like really try to force it in you know so clips in like that there’s that one connected these are our CPU ones again one of those is going to plug in here you have like a dangling four don’t worry about this if you did not have a cable extension you would put both of these up in that top left-hand corner we’re going to put one connection here sorry if I’ll turn it right way show that you can only pick it up one way I’m going to take the second one I’m gonna run it and drop it in this hole down here because this is your second EPS powder your EPS CPU connector will connect that one last so I’m gonna throw that down there like so well the last things are your graphics card and then there’s one of these you want to connect the L kind of together so like if you look at this there’s a little knot you want to kind of push that together and then like that just kind of slink it all in and there you go so there your graphics card is connected if you were using like a 26 C 20 70 or 20 80 you might need this secondary connection again sometimes it’s a three pin sometimes there’s a four pin that’s why you see this right here this is so you can connect it in that’s what this is for so once you kind of have that you can kind of shove that down the this one right here which remember is a SATA we’re not going to use any of these are in case you do expanded stuff later so if you look at the case down here from the bottom and I know we got it kind of seen here you see that really what I have is I have a ton of room so all of those extra cables I’m just gonna kind of shove down in this bucket down here this little hole down here and this is gonna kind of store all of my cables for these that are here I’m gonna kind of push them off to the side and the really kind of the thing when you think about cable management is you want to kind of channel things together so this one were not going to quite do that yet well do that here in a second but were going to kind of have this ready now lastly it looks like we actually have a couple of fan headers that we need to hook up so were going to get these run this is the last thing we have to run for the PC and these are just to run the two internal fans that we have on for the PCs were going to look for some places to run those here in a second and then well show that in just a few minutes if you look down here you’ll see there’s a gap you’re going to take these two I’m just going to run them right here and well hook those up in just a few minutes and then lastly shove all this extra cabling down here like so and then you can use this nice little channel thing right here kind of zip up this last little part these last little cables and there you go you got kind of a managed cable right there and then you’re kind of good to go and then well for these ones because we didn’t use them what well do is well do the last part of this here in a minute but that’s just kind of the way you leave it and when it turned it over one more time turn over this case one more time and finish it up for these last two fan things these last plans that we are showing in there you want to take these two things and you want to see this hole right above the power supply you just want to shove them right in there because your two fan headers for this motherboard are right there so were gonna shove them in there and now were gonna basically just turn this case over and finish cooking things up okay so you’re gonna grab this little CPU thing right here that we’ve ran through here and this is going to be a little bit awkward but you want to flip it and just basically plug it into that hole in the top left and they’re these clips go on pointing up when it’s done it will look like that and there’s your power cable plugged in right okay so last two cables basically were at the very end here.

Everything’s basically ready to go were just kind of making things look pretty but the last thing we want to do now is we want to take these two cables right here that we ran through these are your fan headers right down here at the bottom so you’ve got these two fan headers right here there’s two cables they have little lips in them and I’ll show you the lip here in a sec so I’ll do one and then I’ll show you the lip in the second one its two little lips you’re just gonna line it up with a little piece of plastic there and then push it on down like so now for the last part so everything’s done a couple things I want to talk about and then well basically get this thing turned on now that you know that everything is hooked up a couple things that I did is with this one you don’t want it you want to make sure that this cable right here which is yours three is just kind of grouped with your larger 24-pin and this is where you’re going to start using zip ties to kind of clump things together so I’m going to zip tie this one together just to make sure that these two stay together so when you look at the front it’s nice and clean then what I’m going to do is I want to use the tie downs to tie down the other kin of cables there you go then this you want to make sure for this one that this stays lying flat so don’t pull it too tight because we the big thing is you want to make sure you have a nice kind of puff on the other side and I’ll show you that here in a minute for this there’s not a whole lot I use this for but the one thing you do want to make sure is this is actually the extension for the power for the graphics card you want this to be on the outside because you want to be able to kind of push it and pull it to make the graphics card look nice the front cable on the graphics card to look nice so you don’t want to put that push it behind all the other cables because it needs room to kind of for you to be able to train the cable so to speak the last thing were gonna do is were going to zip tie these together clump together so what I do is I kind of push them over in the edge because you grab a zip tie and then there are tied outs here there are tie downs down in this one some of them.

I actually might be used so whatever tendency to do is again using those tie downs because those tie downs are gonna allow you to make sure that everything looks super clean so there we got a tie down there get that going make sure those are nice and tight again make sure this is flat there’s another tie down right here kind of clump everything together here grab another zip tie as best you can I don’t you got to be careful like right now what you’re seeing here is I’m starting to get this trapped on this so I’m gonna see what your D is just see me do things like I’m loosen things so I know that I’ll have be able to make the front look good so I’ve loosened that and I’m gonna kind of tie this together now and there you can see kind of everything’s channeled together and that is it the PCs kind of cable managed at this point in time once you can’t have everything done like that kind of push it all together again probably put one more here kind of nice keep it nice and clean and again you can do this with either Velcro or with the zip ties if you did it right you should be able to just it should look very similar there we go these and now as you can see now when you look at the back of the case all looks nice and clean you put together you take your little cutters just snip off those little in parts and what I like to do is once I kind of have all of these clipped like this just to kind of continue to kind of have that uniformity is I have a tendency to turn these around so you don’t see that little fatty ends so you’ve got them all cable manage this PC is basically ready to turn on turn this over one more time and this is like the last part is to see how like I kind of have like messy cables it’s kind of work on training and the way you kind of train your cables is just by bending them but you want to get kind of like that mess nice kind of flat look when you and when I say train cable that means that you can you get it to stay the way to stay a certain way like I want this one to stay straight so what you see is I’ll do stuff like been at the other direction and hold it and then till learn to stay you essentially train it to stay straight we got a nice clean looking build now all the cables look nicely managed they’re all routed correctly and not only is this a very simple build but when were all said and done we power it on it also looks nice and clean we’ve now got the entire PC done if you followed the instructions you should be at the same spot and all we got to do now there’s gonna take this cable put it in this plug see what happens kits in turn on did you see anything you should hope I see lights that is a good sign so I told that there was no RGB surprise I guess there is some RGB in this a little bit skosh one light so that means that it runs 1% faster than it would have if there were no lights but here’s the real test oh. 

I hear fans oh I see fans and there we go we have a working PC all the fans are spinning we are good to go guys so I wanted to show you real quick now that you’ve got your system on real thing if you want to get your full speed here you have your BIOS and you might be asking hey I want to make sure my ram is running at thirty six hundred megahertz now the thing is that right now ram needs to have a profile unable to run at thirty six hundred megahertz if you go down here where it says do CP you want to go ahead and change disable to profile one hit okay then you want to hit save and exit you’ll see all these changes happening and then you hit OK and now your ram is set for thirty six hundred megahertz that is it we’ve got a completely built system that is ready for you and for those of you who don’t know again these were all of the parts that we put in the thousand dollar pc build when you have this you have a perfect base from which to upgrade your PC at any point in time you can basically you have a power supply that will support any new motherboard moving forward you can easily throw in a graphic card or a new CPU and know that you’re good to go like whether that’s fourth jarred Rison.


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