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MYSTERIOUS Ruins That Defy History!

 Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals! 1. Pompeii, Italy There are many scary stories in history, but the story of Pompeii is one that we just can’t get over. This is the city that was built in the fertile valley near a volcano, Mt. Vesuvius. When it erupted, it caught people by surprise and buried the city in soot and ash and left it covered and perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. Now much of it has been uncovered and it is a sad historical marvel and many people were frozen in time forever. 2. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sticking with Africa, let's head to Zimbabwe, which holds one of the biggest mysteries of the continent. It's called ... Great Zimbabwe. Yeah, does not really sound mysterious, does it? But don't let that fool you, there's more to this than you might think. 3. Thonis, Egypt If you're bi

Koh Ker Temple, Cambodia

Hey guys, There is a BIG SECRET hidden in this pyramid, this is the Hindu temple called Koh Ker in Cambodia, and archeologists and historians are completely baffled by this mystery. This is a huge pyramid right? But Guess how long it took to build this pyramid? A few years? A few months? No, This pyramid was built in less than 12 hours, yes, it was built overnight, they started to build this after sunset and the pyramid was completely finished at sunrise the next day. I know this sounds crazy, but this is not a story told by locals, we have archeological evidence to prove this.

In Koh Ker area, archeologists found an inscription which not only gives the exact date of this pyramid's construction, but even the exact time when the main lingam on tojfp was consecrated, or was first worshiped. The inscription clearly says the Lingam was consecrated on December 12th, 921 A.D, and even records the time of the ritual at 8.47. Of course, the inscription gives the equivalent date on the ancient Hindu Calendar.

But this date has completely baffled all experts, you know why? Because the king who built this Pyramid, comes to this area, only a few days before this date. All experts agree that this pyramid was built by a King called Jayavarman the fourth. And Jayavarman IV gets involved in a power struggle with his relatives di lui in Angkhor city which is about 60 miles from here. So he is forced to move to this jungle, with less than 10,000 supporters including women and children. He was a fugitive who comes here to save his life di lui, just a few days before this Pyramid was built. And look at the size of this pyramid, it is massive, this is about 200 feet long, 200 feet wide with a height of about 100 feet, Just look at the amount of stone blocks, needed to build this pyramid? Each block weighs not in pounds or Kilograms, it weighs in tons, several people are needed to move each block. Look at how many thousands and thousands of blocks are placed here. And more importantly, how did they lift these blocks higher and higher. According to mainstream experts, they must have created ramps, they must have captured elephants, then train the elephants and used these elephants to move the blocks to the top. All this would have taken years, plus remember guys, this place was a thick jungle 1100 years ago, they had to clear the forest first. So, how did Jayavarman IV, A fugitive who moved to the jungle with less than 10,000 people, most of whom were women and children, manage to build this pyramid in less than 12 hours? Even if they used machines, Imagine the amount of horse power, the amount of energy needed to build it. Let us face it guys, even with our modern, high tech machines, we cannot build this pyramid overnight. It is simply impossible. So, how was it done?

Hey guys, There is a BIG SECRET hidden in this pyramid, this is the Hindu temple called Koh Ker in Cambodia, and archeologists and historians are completely baffled by this mystery. This is a huge pyramid right? But Guess how long it took to build this pyramid? A few years? A few months? No, This pyramid was built in less than 12 hours, yes, it was built overnight, they started to build this after sunset and the pyramid was completely finished at sunrise the next day. I know this sounds crazy, but this is not a story told by locals, we have archeological evidence to prove this.
Hey guys, There is a BIG SECRET hidden in this pyramid, this is the Hindu temple called Koh Ker in Cambodia, and archeologists and historians are completely baffled by this mystery.

This is a huge pyramid right?
But Guess how long it took to build this pyramid?
A few years?
A few months?

No, This pyramid was built in less than 12 hours, yes, it was built overnight, they started to build this after sunset and the pyramid was completely finished at sunrise the next day. I know this sounds crazy, but this is not a story told by locals, we have archeological evidence to prove this. In Koh Ker area, archeologists found an inscription which not only gives the exact date of this pyramids construction, but even the exact time when the main lingam on tojfp was consecrated, or was first worshiped.

The inscription clearly says the Lingam was consecrated on December 12th, 921 A.D, and even records the time of the ritual at 8.47. Of course, the inscription gives the equivalent date on the ancient Hindu Calendar. But this date has completely baffled all experts, you know why?

Because the king who built this Pyramid, comes to this area, only a few days before this date. All experts agree that this pyramid was built by a King called Jayavarman the fourth. And Jayavarman IV gets involved in a power struggle with his relatives in Angkhor city which is about 60 miles from here. So he is forced to move to this jungle, with less than 10,000 supporters including women and children. He was a fugitive who comes here to save his life, just a few days before this Pyramid was built. And look at the size of this pyramid, it is massive, this is about 200 feet long , 200 feet wide with a height of about 100 feet, Just look at the amount of stone blocks, needed to build this pyramid?

Each block weighs not in pounds or Kilograms, it weighs in tons, several people are needed to move each block. Look at how many thousands and thousands of blocks are placed here. And more importantly, how did they lift these blocks higher and higher. According to mainstream experts, they must have created ramps, they must have captured elephants, then train the elephants and used these elephants to move the blocks to the top. All this would have taken years, plus remember guys, this place was a thick jungle 1100 years ago, they had to clear the forest first.

So, how did Jayavarman IV, A fugitive who moved to the jungle with less than 10,000 people, most of whom were women and children, manage to build this pyramid in less than 12 hours?

Even if they used machines, Imagine the amount of horse power, the amount of energy needed to build it. Let us face it guys, even with our modern, high tech machines, we cannot build this pyramid overnight. It is simply impossible. So, how was it done?

Jayavarman sought the help of an architect, who built the entire pyramid overnight using a tool called Vajra. This tool is a high tech energy device capable of producing more than a billion joules of energy. This not only explained in ancient texts, there are also carvings in temples, and there are even metal models of this energy device. Now, why do I say a billion joules, because ancient texts clearly explain that this device can produce more energy than a lightning bolt. Without this kind of massive energy input, it would impossible to build a pyramid overnight. Now what is this Vajra?
I mean what kind of device is this?

The word Vajra also means Diamond in Sanskrit, and the Vajra device is said to be made of a big chunk of diamond and precious stones, housed in an enclosure made of Gold, Silver or Copper. Even today, ancient models of Vajra are preserved in Tibet which have these features. Of course, all this sounds meaningless, like a fancy, fictional story, until you look at modern day Maser technology, developed in the London Centre for Nanotechnology. This device is made of a large diamond, and sapphire housed in a copper enclosure. The exact same materials used in the ancient Vajra device. Now what is this MASER technology?

We all know Laser technology, which uses light, but MASER technology uses Microwave, instead of light, Maser stands for Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. For a long time, modern scientists could not produce Masers in normal room temperature. But, in March 2018, just 2 years ago, the London scientists were able to use this combination of Diamond, Sapphire and Copper to create room temperature Maser. We think this is Modern technology, But there is no doubt that the same MASER technology was used in ancient times to build the Koh Ker temple. But how did King Jayavarman get a hold of such a device?

He sought the help of  India is described in Vedic texts as the controller of heavens, who possessed this high energy machine. Indra builds this temple overnight, and this is why locals worship him in this nearby shrine, called the white elephant shrine. The white elephant is the symbol of Lord Indra. Indra is always shown mounted on this elephant, while holding the Vajra in his hands. Even though archeologists and historians maintain that this temple was built by King Jayavarman, locals believe that this temple was built by Indra himself, who he came from a different planet called Devalokha.

Are these mere myths, or did Indra really come from Space and build this Pyramid?
Was this Pyramid built merely for religious reasons or does it have a scientific purpose?
Do you know the main purpose of Maser technology is to amplify faint signals from deep space?
Is this Pyramid completely solid, or does it have chambers inside which house some type of radiation technology?

In a previous video, I showed you that a 30 feet crystal lingam was placed in this hole, at the very top of this pyramid. And crystals are known for their radio wave properties. Is it possible that Indra was building this pyramid as a space communication tower, just like modern day transmission towers?
Why else did he choose to build a Pyramid, instead of normal Hindu layouts?

In Cambodia, there are thousands of Hindu temples, most of them are not built as pyramids. They look like flat structures with multiple towers. Only 2 pyramids exist in Cambodia. One is the Koh Ker Pyramid, and the other one is this Pyramid called Baksei Chamkrong. Very  interesting similarities between these 2 pyramids. Both are pyramids, both are step pyramids, both are dedicated to Shiva, both had lingams at the very top. And something else is also mind-boggling, look at the lintel of Baksei Chamkrong pyramid. Yes, you guessed it, this is Indra, sitting on his white elephant, carved right above
the doorway to the main chamber.

This is not a coincidence. There is some connection between Indra, his energy device, and Pyramids. We know Pyramids have some special energy, I demonstrated how Pyramids preserve organic matter better than any other structure in a previous vide. But what if Pyramids are actually capable of emitting some type of radiation, when used properly?
But can Pyramids really radiate some type of energy?

Perhaps we are looking at the Pyramids from the wrong angle, we need to look at them from the air. When we look at the Koh Ker Pyramid and Baksei Chamkrong Pyramid from the air, we realize they were built like Yantra. Now, what is a Yantra?

In Koh Ker area, archeologists found an inscription which not only gives the exact date of this pyramid's construction, but even the exact time when the main lingam on tojfp was consecrated, or was first worshiped. The inscription clearly says the Lingam was consecrated on December 12th, 921 A.D, and even records the time of the ritual at 8.47. Of course, the inscription gives the equivalent date on the ancient Hindu Calendar.

Today, in Hinduism, people think of Yantra as a mystical diagram that that we need to focus on, for meditation. But the word Yantra actually means Machine in Sanskrit language.
And you may ask, how can these Yantra diagrams be machines?

Well this diagram is just the 2 dimensional, top view of a Yantra. Just imagine looking at the top view of the Large Hadron Collider, the 2d image will look a mystical diagram, but it is a complex machine, when you actually look at it. Let us look at the most important Yantra, called the Sri Yantra. Looks like a fancy mystical diagram with nested triangles and lotus petals, but this is just the top view. The real Sri Yantra, when you look at the actual 3d model, looks like a strange, pyramidal device. Both the pyramids in Cambodia resemble the Sri Yantra, especially when you look at them from the air.

But how was the Koh Ker Pyramid built overnight?
And what is so strange about this Sri Yantra?

In the year 1990, a strange pattern appeared overnight in the state of Oregon, in the United States. I mean, this is mind boggling. From the ground, they are just meaningless lines and random curves, drawn about 4 inches deep. But when you see it from the air, you can see something remarkable. A Giant Sri Yantra created overnight by some unknown source. Look at the pattern, the nested triangles and the lotus leaves, this is undeniable evidence that it is the Sri Yantra. And all experts have agreed that, yes, this is the Sri Yantra, but no one knows who created it, why or how it was created.

Look, these are humans standing, look at the size of this Yantra, it stretches for a quarter mile. Experts estimate that if human beings did it, they would have taken months to create this pattern. The military is surprised that it was created overnight. If it was done over a period of many months, the routine military reconnaissance aircraft would have spotted it while the drawing was half way. Some locals claimed that they created this design by manual plowing, but looking at their recreation, it is clear that they can’t even make a straight line, there is no way they made this giant Sri Chakra, and no way they made it overnight.

So how was this Sri Yantra created overnight?
Going back to Koh Ker temple in Cambodia, How was such a giant pyramid built overnight?
What was the reason for placing a giant crystal lingam on top?
Why does the temple have strange vaccum tubes placed all around it? Bye!

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